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🌾2025野菜學校價目表2025 Wild Vegetable Center Price List🌾
🌱DIY體驗/需先預約。DIY Workshops (Reservation Required)
✅檳榔葉鞘。1人/$300。Palm Leaf Container: $250/person
✅薏苡串珠。1人/$250。Coix Seed Bracelet: $200/person.
✅祈福小米串。1人/$250。Blessing Millet Bunch: $250/person.
✅月桃編織。1人/$250。Shell Flower Weaving: $250/person.
✅蕨類苔球 。1人/$250。Moss Ball: $250/person.
Outdoor Guided Tours
Wild Vegetable Garden Tour: $200/person (English Reservation Required).
Indoor Guided Tours
Introduction to exhibition areas. Reservations recommended for large groups.
🌱特色飲食/每日限量販售。Specialty Food & Drinks (Daily Limited Supply)
☑️刺蔥紅茶。1杯/$60。Prickly Ash Black Tea: $60/cup.
☑️馬告鳳梨。1杯/$80。Magao Pineapple Sparkling Drinks: $80/cup.
☑️檸檬香茅茶。1杯/$60。Lemongrass Tea: $60/cup.
☑️馬告茶葉蛋。1顆/$20。Magao Tea Egg: $20/each.
☑️馬告豆干。1份/$50。Magao Dried Tofu: $40/serving.
☑️野菜/刺蔥餅乾。1份/$60。Vegetable-Flavored Cookies: $50/pack.
🔺團體訂購飲品、飲食,須提前預訂。Group orders for food and drinks must be pre-arranged.
🌱特色文創商品/限量販售。Creative Cultural Products (Limited Supply)
❇️馬告酒精。 1個/$120。Magao Sanitizer: $120/each.
❇️茄芷袋。 1個/$150。Kagiami Bag: $150/each.
🌱特色課程/需先預約。Specialty Courses (Reservation Required)
✔️野菜煎餅DIY。1人/$250。Wild Vegetable Pancake DIY: $250/person.
✔️香料烘焙教室。1人/$350。Baking Workshop: $350/person.
🔺注意事項Important Notes
1. 如有特殊餐飲需求者,如食物過敏、素食等,請於預約時提前告知。
Notify us in advance if you have specific dietary needs (e.g., allergies, vegetarian).
2. 由於課程包含野菜園採摘體驗,建議穿著長袖、長褲、休閒鞋或雨鞋避免蚊蟲叮咬。
Courses include wild vegetable harvesting; wear long sleeves, pants, and comfortable or waterproof shoes to avoid insect bites.
3. 遇天候不佳或不可抗之因素,本單位保有調整行程順序和内容之權利。
Activities may be adjusted due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.
🌱DIY體驗/需先預約。DIY Workshops (Reservation Required)
✅檳榔葉鞘。1人/$300。Palm Leaf Container: $250/person
✅薏苡串珠。1人/$250。Coix Seed Bracelet: $200/person.
✅祈福小米串。1人/$250。Blessing Millet Bunch: $250/person.
✅月桃編織。1人/$250。Shell Flower Weaving: $250/person.
✅蕨類苔球 。1人/$250。Moss Ball: $250/person.
Outdoor Guided Tours
Wild Vegetable Garden Tour: $200/person (English Reservation Required).
Indoor Guided Tours
Introduction to exhibition areas. Reservations recommended for large groups.
🌱特色飲食/每日限量販售。Specialty Food & Drinks (Daily Limited Supply)
☑️刺蔥紅茶。1杯/$60。Prickly Ash Black Tea: $60/cup.
☑️馬告鳳梨。1杯/$80。Magao Pineapple Sparkling Drinks: $80/cup.
☑️檸檬香茅茶。1杯/$60。Lemongrass Tea: $60/cup.
☑️馬告茶葉蛋。1顆/$20。Magao Tea Egg: $20/each.
☑️馬告豆干。1份/$50。Magao Dried Tofu: $40/serving.
☑️野菜/刺蔥餅乾。1份/$60。Vegetable-Flavored Cookies: $50/pack.
🔺團體訂購飲品、飲食,須提前預訂。Group orders for food and drinks must be pre-arranged.
🌱特色文創商品/限量販售。Creative Cultural Products (Limited Supply)
❇️馬告酒精。 1個/$120。Magao Sanitizer: $120/each.
❇️茄芷袋。 1個/$150。Kagiami Bag: $150/each.
🌱特色課程/需先預約。Specialty Courses (Reservation Required)
✔️野菜煎餅DIY。1人/$250。Wild Vegetable Pancake DIY: $250/person.
✔️香料烘焙教室。1人/$350。Baking Workshop: $350/person.
🔺注意事項Important Notes
1. 如有特殊餐飲需求者,如食物過敏、素食等,請於預約時提前告知。
Notify us in advance if you have specific dietary needs (e.g., allergies, vegetarian).
2. 由於課程包含野菜園採摘體驗,建議穿著長袖、長褲、休閒鞋或雨鞋避免蚊蟲叮咬。
Courses include wild vegetable harvesting; wear long sleeves, pants, and comfortable or waterproof shoes to avoid insect bites.
3. 遇天候不佳或不可抗之因素,本單位保有調整行程順序和内容之權利。
Activities may be adjusted due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.